When is period pain more than just period pain?

Twenty five percent of Australian women suffer from severe, chronic pelvic pain without knowing why. In many cases the pain is so debilitating they are unable to work for several days every month. Sometimes the pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating and even fainting. All the while they are told they simply have ‘bad periods’ and nothing can be done. So they try one painkiller after another with minimal effect. 

Crippling pain of any kind is NOT normal and needs investigation. In the case of pelvic pain, there are several possible causes:

  1. Endometriosis
  2. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  3. A combination of endometriosis and IBS – women with endometriosis are two to three times more likely to also have IBS compared with women without endometriosis
  4. Adenomyosis
  5. Interstitial cystitis 
  6. Coeliac disease
  7. Gastrointestinal infections

Where do you start in sorting out what is going on?

The Australian Gut Foundation has just produced an excellent information booklet titled Understanding Endometriosis, IBS and Chronic Pelvic Pain. I highly recommend you download this comprehensive free resource from their website: gutfoundation.com.au  

Tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon at 3.35pm (AEST) I will be speaking about endometriosis with Julie Clift on ABC radio Gold Coast. Tune in to frequency 91.7 to learn about how this condition need not rule your life. 

Please forward this Health-e-Byte to anyone who suffers from chronic pelvic or abdominal pain.

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