I have had several requests for the specific research papers and scientific evidence that informs the paradigm shift and the strategies I present in NeuroSlimming. I have now organised this information under each chapter heading of the book. You can find it on my website here
NeuroSlimming is the culmination of decades of working with patients, analysing raw data, testing hypotheses, pouring over research, sifting through scientific journals, interviewing clients, attending conferences, debating with experts and exploring alternatives.
The references listed on my website represent a selection of the most significant influences on my book and retreats. I have tried to cover what I believe most people will be searching for. It is not an exhaustive inventory of everything that has contributed to NeuroSlimming because the list would be longer than the book itself. There are endless scientific publications supporting each chapter. Moreover, each article will lead to hundreds of other related articles.
The books recommended at the end of each chapter also provide more detail in relation to specific topics.
Ultimately, as Francis Bacon stated, ‘By far the best proof is experience.’ When you put NeuroSlimming into practice, you will see the results in your own life. I thank all the readers and retreat participants who have shared your life-changing stories with me. You enable others to see that it is also possible for them.
‘That some achieve great success is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.’ Abraham Lincoln
With every best wish for your ongoing journey of discovery.