Many people have asked me what was the most interesting thing I learned at the Alzheimer Europe conference in Geneva. It was the impact of noise pollution on our physical health. A 14-year study [...]
Have you ever noticed that the language of modern medicine is the language of war? Western medicine wants to fight the infection, kill the virus, defeat the disease, and wage war on obesity. This [...]
If we want to live longer, strengthen our immune system and reduce our risk of heart attack, stroke, depression and dementia, our number one health habit needs to be cultivating close, supportive [...]
Thank you for your responses to last week’s Health-e-Byte about alcohol, cancer and brain shrinkage. It’s great that you want more details, so here are my answers to your questions. How does [...]
The more you drink alcohol, the more you shrink your brain. In short, there is no safe level of alcohol consumption and the new Canadian alcohol guidelines are the first in the world to [...]
We have long known that people in their 70s and 80s who walk at a slower pace, die younger. Research has now revealed that injuries aside, walking more slowly in our 40s is also associated with [...]
May is Thyroid Awareness Month in Australia and here’s why you need to know about it. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits at the front of your throat under your larynx or Adam’s [...]
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