What we eat has a much bigger impact on our brain than most people realise. Food influences: The clarity of our thinking How quickly we process information How well we learn and remember things [...]
After last week’s HEB about replacing chips with nuts, I received a deluge of questions from people with nut allergies. The crux of their questions was: what’s the best thing to snack on if you [...]
Scientists are celebrating the discovery of a technique that will make potato chips less carcinogenic. But wait! Who knew that chips were carcinogenic in the first place? Most chips are deep [...]
Scientists can now peer into our brains to see if what we’re eating is benefiting or impairing our memory and thinking skills. This is known as Nutritional Cognitive Neuroscience. One hundred [...]
Following on from last week’s link to my interview on the Dementia Researcher podcast, click here to listen to my conversation with Jackie Fletcher on the Fabulously Keto podcast in September [...]
After my conversation with Philip Clark in February this year, many people asked me to elaborate on what I term ‘neuro-keto-therapeutics’, in other words, using a ketogenic diet to prevent and [...]
Last week I flew to Melbourne to speak at the National Dementia Conference. The first thing I saw at the airport when I stepped off the plane was a billboard for ‘The Brain Drink’ pictured above. [...]
Appearances can be deceptive. Some people — because of their genes or their microbiota (the bacteria that live in our gut) — can look slim no matter what they eat. However, if people consume a [...]
When you eat, do you you usually feel rushed or relaxed? Stressed or calm? Guilty or grateful? It turns out that your feelings are just as important as your food choices. How so? Different [...]
What’s so good about mustard? If you prefer your cruciferous vegetables – like broccoli, cauliflower, kale and Brussels sprouts – cooked rather than raw, you lose some of the health [...]
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