Research has found that in the hour before a heart attack, people are more than twice as likely to experience intense emotional upset or anger than during the same period the previous day. To [...]
After last week’s HEB about replacing chips with nuts, I received a deluge of questions from people with nut allergies. The crux of their questions was: what’s the best thing to snack on if you [...]
Are you a comfort eater? Stress eater? Emotional eater? If so, you’re not alone. In confidential surveys 45% of women and 35% of men report eating in response to stress. And now that we’re stuck [...]
A few weeks ago I was invited to participate in a radio interview with Bryan Koslowski, author of The Jane Austen Diet. I didn’t think I’d have time to read the entire book before the interview [...]
Sally Obermeder and Ryan Phelan from Channel 7’s The Daily Edition asked Dr Helena to provide some answers. Here is a transcript of their conversation. 1. Why do we eat in response to stress? [...]
Did you experience stress or arguments at the dinner table when you were growing up? Did your parents offer you favourite foods when you were hurt or upset? These are two major factors [...]
A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience in May 2018 found that differences in size and structure of specific regions of the brain’s prefrontal cortex predicted a person’s ability to [...]
For several months I’ve been holding back from having a difficult conversation with a close friend. Difficult because it meant expressing my needs which were in apparent conflict with my friend’s [...]
Several months ago (on 29th June) I wrote about decluttering the family home prior to making the move to Queensland. Since that time I’ve reflected on the meaning of releasing physical ‘stuff’ [...]
‘Never lose sleep over something that isn’t worth staying awake for.’ Mark Amend Do you check your email or social media pages on your phone before you go to bed? Do you take longer to fall [...]
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