NeuroSlimming book launches

NeuroSlimming book launches – September, October and November 2015

In 1960, in the film Psycho, Alfred Hitchcock used chocolate syrup for blood in the famous shower scene.

In 2007, neuropsychologist David Lewis showed that dark chocolate gave the brain a bigger buzz than passionate kissing.

And in 2015, Dr Helena Popovic launched her book NeuroSlimming at exquisite gourmet chocolate shops around Australia. Huh? How can you launch a book about weight loss with a chocolatier?

Answer: To make the point that why and how we eat is more important than what we eat. The why and the how determine the what.

It isn’t about indiscriminately eating chocolate. It’s about learning the art of savouring and discovering that when we taste more, we actually eat less. The more you enjoy what you eat and the more you pay attention to each mouthful, the more it will satisfy you and the less you will consume. A delicious paradox.

The dates on which NeuroSlimming was launched were also purposefully chosen.

The Melbourne launch at Xocolatyl was on 21st September – World Gratitude Day. This is a day to reflect on all the people, circumstances, experiences and things in our lives that we feel deeply grateful for. Gratitude has the power to heal and is an integral part of NeuroSlimming.

The Sydney launch at Adora was on 14th October – World Standards Day. This is a day that reminds us to value quality over convenience and skill over speed. The higher the quality of our food, the less we need for optimal nutrition and the less we waste. Just because something is edible doesn’t mean it qualifies as food.

The Brisbane launch at the Relaxation Centre was on 21st November – World Hello Day. This day was established in 1973 to foster personal communication as a way of preserving peace. The same applies to making peace with our bodies and peace with food. We need to pause and ‘listen’ to what we need in any given moment.

The hand-made chocolates crafted by Xocolatl, Adora and Mayfield artisans create a sense of awe and wonder – something we seem to have lost in our quick-fix, multi-tasking world.

Thank you to everyone who joined me in a celebration of friendship, fun, finesse and flavour.

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